Five New Songs to Add to Your Playlist: 2/6/2022

Ruairi S
3 min readFeb 7, 2022

Finding new music can be tough. It can take hours of wading through Spotify suggestions to find a single song worthy of a spot on your normal playlist. In this article, I try to expedite that process and by showcasing new releases over a variety of genres.

All of the songs listed below are from albums released this week! So at least in the unlikely case one becomes popular you can say you knew it first.

Concorde - Black Country, New Road

Skip to 0:48 to get to the actual song.

Plagued with an influx of painfully dull releases, the Indie Rock genre has been slowly dying since the mid 2000’s. Let’s be honest, we’ve all been bored to tears after listening to a Tame Impala/Lumineers/Vampire Weekend album in order to impress a girl. However, Black Country, New Road brings us a indie record we don’t have to pretend to enjoy, we can actually just enjoy it!

Concorde, the 2nd release off Ant’s From Up There, breaks the mold of traditional indie rock by infusing jazz elements to create a Baroque Pop twist. The lyrics tell an engaging and sorrowful story about infatuation and a hopelessly failing relationship — and if you don’t feel like diving into all of that, the tune is catchy and more cheerful than the subject matter.

Listen if you like: Arcade Fire

Working For the Knife - Mitski

Skip to 1:05 to get to the actual song

Tired of the fame and pressure that comes with Indie Pop fame, Mitski Mayawaski shockingly announced her retirement from music in 2019. Unfortunately for Mayawaski, she was still contractually obligated to create another album for her record label. So, Mitski reluctantly released the album Laurel Hell where Working for the Knife features as the second song.

The song can be seen as a nod to her situation — being trapped in a job that brings offers you little joy. Essentially, the perfect song for your morning commute to work. If lyrics aren’t your thing, the song still offers an enjoyable dreamy and melodic indie-pop sound.

Listen if you like: Phoebe Bridgers, Rex Orange County

Vlad TV (Feat. Stove God Cooks, Symba, Major Myjah) - 2Chainz

If you have yet to listen to the new 2Chainz album, you’re not missing out on much. Dope Don’t Sell Itself, despite some good features, ultimately is impeded by uninspired and often cringe-worthy lines from 2Chainz himself. Vlad TV, however, is one of the few bright spots on the album, thanks to fantastic and raw features from Stove God Cooks and Symba.

2Chainz ends the song with a verse of his own, but manages to stay out of his own way and drop authentic and introspective lines you won’t find on the rest of the album.

Listen if you like: Tee Grizzley, The Game

2012 - Saba

It was hard to choose a favorite song off Saba’s newest release Few Good Things. The album was incredibly well-rounded, with tracks such as Come my Way already hitting mainstream success. I decided to pivot away slightly from the narrative and go with 2012.

In 2012, Saba delivers line after poignant line about a simpler time in his life over a dreamy lofi-indie instrumental from Indie Rock band Day Wave. The song will have you playing Modern Warfare 3 and listening to Marvin’s Room in no time.

Listen if you like: Chance the Rapper, Isaiah Rashad

The End of Eternity - Rolo Tomassi

If you don’t actively listen to metal, or never went through an awkward metal phase as a teenager, it may be tempting to skip over this song completely. But I promise, any song from Rolo Tomassi’s new album Where Myth Becomes Memory is worth the listen. The album is a modern metal masterpiece that seamlessly dances between brutal and delicate melodies while front woman Eva Korman delivers raw and emotional vocals. But, if you don’t have the time or the attention span to sit through the whole album, the End of Eternity serves as an abbreviated look at the record as a whole.

Listen if you like: Swans, The Devil Wears Prada



Ruairi S

Sometimes music. Sometimes NFL. Sometimes hoops.